Public Art
I specialize in visioning and managing aspects of complex, green field art projects. I especially love to work with groups that don’t have experience sharing their ideas with — and learning from — contemporary artists.
Whether you need help imagining what’s possible, finding a solution for a quirky space, or just want to work with someone who doesn’t freak out when you request a schedule showing “multiple tiered dependencies,”* reach out using the contact form.
* Yes, I think operational charts are fun!
Parabiosis II, 2003, Kendall Buster
Detail, Politics + Power = Human Nature, Metamorphoses #102-103, 2002, Yuriko Yamaguchi
DC Convention Center Art Collection
As Curator of the best public art collection in the nation’s capital, I am honored to know and work with some of the country’s finest artists.
Our outstanding $4M collection was acquired between 2000 and 2003, while the Convention Center was being built. The collection includes several epic scale, site specific works commissioned specifically for the space, including a Sol LeWitt wall drawing, and pieces by Pat Steir, Donald Lipski, Jim Sanborn, Kendall Buster, and Sara Sze. The selection panel included curators from this Federal city’s outstanding museums as well as the community and private sector leaders. The Convention Center collection include a high percentage of DC and regional artists, artists of color, and women artists, in all media including photography and installation art.
Lingua, 2003, Jim Sanborn, in the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC
Detail, Untitled (Footprint), 2003, Sarah Sze